Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Podcasting and Questions Complete

Today was schockingly a very productive day. Dean and I got everything done. Podcasting our excerpt did take some time; we kept making mistakes and so had to stop and begin again. In the end however it sounded well put together. The questions we decided on, in my opinion, seemed appropriate for the grade level we intend to teach. The questions deal with a lot of opinions from the students and allows us as teachers to figure out if the students comprehended the reading. We also created questions that make the students think beyond what they read; we motivate them to make connections with current problems this new age deals with. I feel that this is the best way to ensure that students really understand lessons; they are able to take what they learned and adapt it to their society making what they learned more valuable. At the same time it keeps students interested because as teachers we are using problems they face or will face as a source of conversation.

Podcasting Excerpt

Well today the plan is to podcast the excerpt from "The Jungle" that we intend to base our lesson plan on. Judging from how we did the first time we podcasted I think it will take us more time to make sure the podcast sounds clear to the students and does not have any errors. Dean and I might actually have to record several times; if only there was a way in which we could save part of the podcast that sounds good and edit what does'nt. That would make it much easier. Dean selected several excerpts that he thought might be interesting and we now came to the decision on which one we will use. Podcasting the excerpt is goign to be interesting, a little tricky, but at the same time fun.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Today's lesson was very interesting. I never really knew how podcasting worked until today. I definitely enjoyed podcasting with my partner; even though we had to re-record several times. What makes this type of interaction fun is because we are able to make a lesson plan more energizing and hip. What makes me actually enjoy this more is that you can do this on your laptop and share it with other friends, people who you dont see everyday. Podcasting is absolutely something that high school students will enjoy doing as an assignment.